
The song describes the aspirations

Why do you sing a song in the live ?
Why do you announce a song ?
To this question , I think there are answers to each person Kakuyo .
If If say my answer ,
For me
The song is that the ones that describe the thoughts and aspirations .
Previously , as representing their thoughts , it was not calling a waka . It sometimes is that familiar to mouth . More than that , in our ancestors are various aspects , because I was feeling a tasteful that expressed their thoughts and aspirations thirty one sound .
And , from time to time there , in the stripped- down was Waka words should also represents something that can not be represented as I 've got to think . And it was not accompanied by a melody .
Original songs that I expressed for the first time the song is ,
" Victory is for you ," It was a song called . Song that I told to play for the first time on the street live is this song .
Because of the song was too spread the range , recording also is not , now I do not sing , it is one of the important songs .
Depending on the appearance event , rather than describe the aspirations , the there were songs and cover songs liven up in the spirit I have been singing .
However, in the musical activities , the song I think the origin of state an ambition like I continue to cherish .

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