
When Doves Cry is "It is nestled in the beat," Song Title ultra paraphrasing great

This morning, feeling the wind when it comes to garden happening, I suddenly remembered a song called 
BIITO NI DAKARETE in Japanese. It means "is nestled in the beat." It is a typical song of Musician Prince. 
I have the Japanese title is really like, I have a time to remember suddenly, such as when it was blown in the wind.

For this song, What I think the most amazing, the excellence of the Japanese translation title. The original title is in English, When Doves Cry.
When literal translation is, when doves cry, or when the pigeons lament,  relationship who has dared ultra-free translation"is nestled in the beat," is great! 

Even the original title and because was a big hit in the United States it would have to some extent hit in Japan at the time, but to have more hit because of the title "is nestled in the beat", it's in or not is left to memory, I think.

It is not limited to song, title It is important. I thought again and is blown to the balmy breeze.

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