Currently, Japan has many theme parks.
The Just over 2 in the difference, is Tokyo Disneyland (Chiba Prefecture) and Universal Studios Japan (Osaka).
USJ is a popular spot of one of the best Kansai.
However, after the opening of 2001, there was a thing that was sluggish once. USJ was tired.
However, USJ has launched its own line. USJ was actively introduced the entertainment other than Hollywood movies. For example, it has been actively utilize the game and manga and anime characters of Japan.
This year's first half, a special event "Cool Japan" took up the "Evangelion", "Attack on Titan," "Resident Evil," "Monster Hunter". From today July 3, attraction of the "specter watch" that was introduced in this blog appeared.
When you come to Kyoto and Osaka, Please enjoy also its own attractions of USJ(^-^)
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