
Ring tone of "Sakura" is delivered in iTunes

Japan is a country full of cherry blossoms.
"SAKURA" is my original song that sings the cherry blossoms in Japan.
"SAKURA" means cherry blossoms in Japanese.

There are a lot of places that people can see cherry blossoms over the world. The season of cherry blossoms will come in the Southern Hemisphere.
I began to deliver the ring tone in iTunes.
This ring tone version will deliver the most important lyrics in the constraint of 30 seconds on your chest.

Japanese pronunciation of lyrics
Koen no SAKURA
Gakkou no SAKURA
Keidai no SAKURA
Okanoue no SAKURA
Kawanodote no SAKURA
Umigamieru SAKURA

Meaning of English
Cherry blossoms
Cherry blossoms in the park
Cherry blossoms in the garden of the school
Cherry blossoms in the precincts
Cherry blossoms
Cherry blossoms at the top of the hill
Cherry blossom on the banks of the river
Cherry blossoms in the place where you can see the sea

I hope this song is to be to the opportunity that you imagine the cherry tree.
You can get it in iTunes.
Please search for " mikan tomo". 
For more information You can know at the following address.


Torii of Heian Shrine in Kyoto city

Traditional and exciting objects in the building in Kyoto city is the torii of Heian Shrine.
It looks huge compared to normal Torii seen in Japanese shrine.
When Passing through the torii, in about five minutes you reach the Heian Shrine.
Standing enters of the Heian Shrine, you will enjoy a refreshing feeling.
Around the Heian Shrine is often tourist destination. 
If you go to Kyoto, it is good to pass through the large torii and visit the Heian Jingu Shrine (^_^)


Concert of the earthquake reconstruction assistance by the "ARASI"

September 19 to 23, general corporate and schools of Japan was a holiday.
During this period, (meaning the storm in Japanese) popular idol group "ARASI" held four concerts in Miyagi Prefecture.
The purpose of this concert is the reconstruction assistance of the Great East Japan Earthquake. Concert was cooperation with local governments and businesses and schools. Fan has gathered 20 million people total.
Concerts cheered also culturally and economically a disaster area.
It's a good event, I thought(^_^)


Love live!Neputa :Collaboration with traditional festivals and modern anime

In Kyoto Manga festival venue there was a very popular objects. It's "Love Live! Neputa" of the picture.
Neputa's the name of the festival of Aomori Prefecture, but it is also the name of the festival floats.
"Love Live!" is a popular anime.
It's a story of the heroine of girls aim the star. 
Collaboration with traditional festivals and modern anime is interesting!


Kyoto Manga Festival in 2015

On September 19, I enjoyed the Kyoto Manga Festival "Kyomafu". 
Exhibition booth, live stage, cafe, business trip booth cartoon editing unit. 
A bunch of comics fan venue had been collected. 
I was looking around, especially the exhibition booth. Companies and organizations involved in the manga and anime had been exhibited. Easy to take a photo objects were present in large numbers. 
It would be promotion corresponding to the photo-equipped mobile phone. 
I thought. "Manga and anime events give a great stimulus to the creators and fans of the region. That kind of event is economical to liven up the area as well." 
Foreign tourists had come to the venue. Future challenges might multilingual of explanation and assistance. 
Kyoto Manga Festival In any event was a great event (^_^)

The photograph is a anime "arpeggio of blue and steel."


Exports of Japanese caviar

In Japanese waters, fish and shellfish landings has decreased. Therefore, it has a force is put into aquaculture.
Various fish seafood has been farmed.
In recent years, also sturgeon, known for caviar has been farmed. Export of caviar will begin soon.

How do you think about caviar?
Because I have thought only from the coastal Caspian Sea, Japan production of caviar is a surprise even for me (* _ *) 


In Japan green tea has drunk well.

I read a report on the tea in a typical cuisine magazine "Orange page" in Japan.
What is the tea that the Japanese are drinking the most?

The answer is green tea. Second place is the barley tea, and third place red tea, fourth place China tea.

The fact that first place is a green tea is the expected.

In Japan, because green tea has been favored for long time.
Since the usual green tea has a taste that is freshing it will fit in a variety of cuisine.
In particular, not to mention the suit to Japanese and Japanese sweets are.

According to the report, it seems that how to drink green tea have changed.

It is often use a teapot and pot, but plastic bottles purchase is increasing.

The photograph is a green tea pet bottle. It is a popular commodity in Japan.

You can enjoy green tea in Japan easily (^^)/


Tohoku Zunko is the femail character of the Tohoku region

Four and a half years have passed from the Great East Japan Earthquake.
Activities that I was interested as an activity of reconstruction is "Tohoku Zunko".
It is a female character that embodies the Tohoku region.
Companies present in the Tohoku region can use the character freely.
License fee is not required.
Companies other than the Tohoku region requires a license fee.
In addition, if it is not commercial use, creator you can use freely this female character. I resonate to this policy. You also can use the "Tohoku Zunko" If it is not commercial use. On reading the usage rules, please use ^ _ ^ usage rules in the following website address.



The spread of robot in Japan

In the recent Japan, robots have begun to be introduced to the hospitality and assistance.
There are experimental hotel in the resort "House Tenposu" in Nagasaki. Its "strange hotel" is popular. This hotel has introduced a robot actively.

Female robot and dinosaur robots will be set at the front. Robot will be working as usher and concierge and cloak auditors. Robot is about 80 units in all rooms 72 rooms, human staff is about 10 people at the maximum. Since this hotel is popular so there, the room running is full of reservation.

The introduction of robot that could rob the work of the people, you should be wary of the robot, there is also such opinion.
However, there is also such as the following opinion. Since Japan is progressing aging population, the robot can be expected as the presence to supplement the labor force.

The spread of robot is any merits and demerits. So I think.
We humans need to correspond only after assessing the effect of the spread of the robot.
How about you?

you can know  "strange hotel" in Eglish by 


Kirari -the Bridge between Japan and Taiwan-

On September 6, I went to the "Grand- front " in the near Osaka Station. 
It's to see the exhibition of Taiwan quality products. 

I am interested in culture and products of Taiwan .
And, Taiwan had a major support to the disaster area at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake. I'm grateful.

Live music had been held at the venue. 
Singer 's was a Japanese actress " Kirari ".She sometimes had appeared in the famous drama. She suspended the entertainment activities, and married a Taiwanese man, had fathered children. From the feeling that "I want to be the Bridge between Japan and Taiwan ", she's so resumed entertainment activities. 

I want to send a cheer on her activities(^-^).



The spot that is popular in Osaka

Kyoto and Osaka is pretty close.
You can go in about 30 minutes by train from Kyoto Station to Osaka Station.
Popular place for foreign tourists in Osaka is the Umeda Sky Building.
It is also referred to as empty the Arc de Triomphe.
I visited several times.
Night view is particularly great ^ _ ^


The production of the ringtone for "Sakura"(cherry blossoms)

It became in September.
In the Southern Hemisphere, cherry blossoms will begin to bloom.
Sakura was born in per Himalayas, it was spread all over the world. Many Japanese prefer the cherry blossoms. I also love.
I want to see the cherry blossoms of the Southern Hemisphere!
So now, I have been made the production of the ring tone.
It is a ring tone of the original song "Sakura".
"Sakura" means cherry blossoms in Japanese.
It is a delivery scheduled for mid-September.
Please wait some time now ^ _ ^