
Ring tone of "Sakura" is delivered in iTunes

Japan is a country full of cherry blossoms.
"SAKURA" is my original song that sings the cherry blossoms in Japan.
"SAKURA" means cherry blossoms in Japanese.

There are a lot of places that people can see cherry blossoms over the world. The season of cherry blossoms will come in the Southern Hemisphere.
I began to deliver the ring tone in iTunes.
This ring tone version will deliver the most important lyrics in the constraint of 30 seconds on your chest.

Japanese pronunciation of lyrics
Koen no SAKURA
Gakkou no SAKURA
Keidai no SAKURA
Okanoue no SAKURA
Kawanodote no SAKURA
Umigamieru SAKURA

Meaning of English
Cherry blossoms
Cherry blossoms in the park
Cherry blossoms in the garden of the school
Cherry blossoms in the precincts
Cherry blossoms
Cherry blossoms at the top of the hill
Cherry blossom on the banks of the river
Cherry blossoms in the place where you can see the sea

I hope this song is to be to the opportunity that you imagine the cherry tree.
You can get it in iTunes.
Please search for " mikan tomo". 
For more information You can know at the following address.

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