
Sushi is delicious!

Sushi is one of the dishes representative of the Japanese cuisine. 
Japanese People eat sushi in restaurants or buy in shopps and enjoy eating sushi. 
The day before yesterday I bought some sushi in the supermarket, and put the sushi on my dish.
Picture was taken at that time. It was delicious.
In Japan, you can enjoy a variety of sushi. 
When you visit Japan, please enjoy eating sushi very well.


Big Kadomatsu in Kyoto

Kadomatsu covered in the previous blog, today I saw a much bigger kadomatsu in Kyoto Station underground mall. 

New Year are getting closer!


"Kadomatsu" The decoration greeting the New Year in Japan

After Christmas was over, the city of Kyoto was changed to an atmosphere to welcome the New Year.

The photograph is "Kadomatu" seen in hotels near Kyoto Station.
It attracted my eyes.
Kadomatsu is to thank welcomes the Holy Spirit of indigenous coming to the New Year.
Branches decorated of white and pink is  called "Mochibana" in Japanese.
A good New Year for you!


Happy Holiday's!

A lot of events in Japan this Christmas period were  held. 
In everywhere I saw Santa Claus (^ _ ^). 
(on Matsugasaki in Kyoto)

On Christmas Eve I ate cake. At that time, plate of "Happy Holidays" was stuck to the cake. 
Until last year I had never seen other than the plate of "Merry Christmas". 

Previously I heard as follows from a friend. 
Recently in the United States, the term "Happy Holidays" is used rather than "Merry Christmas" for religious neutrality. 
While eating a piece of cake, I thought "Japanese society also began to incorporate this concept." 

For better or worse, many Japanese are tolerant of religion. 
I do not feel funny, even celebrating to say "Merry Christmas". 
However, "Happy Holidays" I might think good words certainly.
(on Umeda in  Osaka) 


Kumamon is Yuru-Chara in Japan.

Kumamon is the character of Kumamoto Prefecture certified. 
"Kuma" means the bear. 
"Mon" is attached to the name of the old man. 
This is Kumamon's photo.
I took it in the front of the tavern in Ohsaka.
Kumamon is currently typical Yuru-Chara of Japan.
If you come to Japan, you will meet with  "kumamon" or goods of  "kumamon"(^-^)


Christmas tree in Japan

It becomes Christmas period, and I saw a Christmas tree in various places.
The other day, in the business building close to the Kyoto station, I saw a Christmas tree of my photo.
As I wrote in the blog of December 13, in Japan Christmas has been established as a fun event.
So you have a good gift.


The international cuisine in Japan

Currently, you can eat various countries of cuisine in Japan. 
Especially you'll see Chinese restaurants and Italian restaurants.
Also French restaurants and Korean restaurants are seen in towns.
About international cuisine my favorite dishe is Vietnamese cuisine. I enjoyed it today!

Raw spring rolls and Vietnamese noodles is attractive. (

When you come to Japan, after you experience Japanese cuisine, it is sometimes also good to enjoy international cuisine!


Christmas illuminations in Japan

It becomes December, I saw a Christmas illuminations throughout the town.
In Japan there are a few Christian, but Christmas has become established as a fun event.
On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, many Japanese eat Christmas cakes and chicken along with the lover or friends and family.

The photograph is Christmas illuminations of Hankyu Umeda Station passage of Osaka.
It's not sparkling properly, but in the place where it was calm I feel the charm.
What Christmas illuminations of your city?


"Suguki " Kyoto vegetable in winter.

"Suguki" has been grown in the vicinity of the nearest station. 
Now is harvest time.
 "Suguki" is a type of turnip, it is one of Kyoto vegetables. 
This majority is in pickles. 
Distinctive sour is to please the tongue of foodie.

This pickles is a familiar presence in Kyoto, but in other than the peripheral Kyoto it has not been eating much. 
If you come to Kyoto, please try this pickles .
It tastes salty and sower a little.


"Ikebana" The flower arrangement in Kyoto

In Kyoto there  is a lot of opportunity to see the Ikebana. 
Ikebana is a flower that has been decorated by "Kado",Japanese flower arrangement in Japan.
"Iemoto" is the schoolmaster of flower arrangement.
Most of them have lived in Kyoto. 
Therefore flower arrangement is prosperous than other land. 

The photograph is the flower arrangement which I saw in Kyoto city's train station. 
If you come to Kyoto, you will often see this kind of flower arrangement (^_^)


"Moe" characters utilization in Japan

In the recent Japan, "Moe" characters have been utilized in various fields. 
"Moe" character means primarily cute girl anime character. 

Photo is the official character of the Kyoto Gakuen University. 
Her name is "Uzumasa Sono." "Uzumasa" has been named after the location of the campus. 
It is not limited to schools, companies, municipalities, various organizations are taking advantage of "Moe" characters.


Please note Kyoto's non smoking area

Currently, non smoking area has spread in Japan. In Kyoto, on the streets of downtown and tourist areas, smoking is prohibited. 
If you smoke a cigarette you will be imposed fines. 
I hear that there is a consideration for the foreign tourists who do not know the circumstances, but foreign tourists to be fined is increasing. 
If you're a smoker, when you're visit Kyoto, please looking for a smoking space. 
There are smoking spaces in the building or cafes.


New Year's card in Japan

In Japan, New Year's card of the exchange has become a courtesy. Because of The spread of e-mail, than before New Year's card has been reduced. 

However, there are still deep-rooted habit of sending greeting cards. Typically, a lot of people buy a New Year's card which post office sells , and post in December. 
I also bought a New Year's card at the post office. 
Zodiac new year has been printed on the New Year's card. 
Zodiac is respected in East Asia. 
Zodiac 2016 is the monkey(^_^)


Persimmon and crow

A lot of persimmon has paid off in the neighborhood, but the fruit has become less.
Fruit of the persimmon is ripe, and falls to the ground.
And the fruit is eaten by crows.
The other day, I encountered a scene of the crow of the meal. Photograph is the sight. 
Such sight makes Japanese to feel the late autumn and early winter.


Kyoto National Museum

The other day, I went to Kyoto Museum. 
The museum was closing. 
I did not check the date and time of the exhibition. 
It was really stupid. 
I went into the adjacent while discouraging cafe. 
Museum of the building was visible from there. 
The old main building of the Kyoto National Museum, was built in 1895. 
Katayama Tohkuma designed the building. 
Its architecture was profound. 
It is in harmony also in mountains in the background. 
At the time by using a Western building materials that do not get used, Japanese made the building of the massive museum. 
It can be seen in traditional Japanese architecture in Kyoto, but it is modern western style's that you can see.
They are a beautiful building.


Osaka as the city of comedy

Osaka is a thriving land of comedy. 
Comedy by the entertainer will be seen in various places. 
The photograph is a "WAGYU" comedian team. 
They had appeared in the opening event of the shopping mall. Laughter was full. 
If you understand Japanese language and go to Osaka, you can also enjoy a good comedy in the city (^ _ ^) v


November is a delicious season of persimmon in Japan.

 In the over-the-counter, persimmon has lined up. 
Fruit of the persimmon is also seen in my neighborhood. 
November of Japan is a delicious season of persimmon.
I live in a share house. 

The landlord gave me a garden of persimmon to us yesterday. 
They are persimmon photos. Today I want to relish it (^_^)


Japan's four seasons.

Once you have If using the Kyoto Station of JR, you are likely to see the show window of the department store called "Isetan".
The show window, it shows me the various interesting exhibition. 
This photo is one of them.
Its representation had described the five senses of the Japanese.
In short, it had explained that Japanese five senses are those that have been nurtured in the four seasons of Japan.

People of any country are also of course nurtured by the country's climate.
Most parts of Japan changes of the four seasons have clear.
Therefore, Japanese are sensitive to seasonal, and we have to cherish a sense of the season.
Visitors can enjoy such a season of Japan.

In addition, Okinawa and the Ogasawara Islands is warm all year round.
It is also possible to enjoy a climate of such land unlike Honshu.


Cup Noodle of Singapore taste in Japan

Food culture of Japan will often combine the various taste of overseas. 
For example, cup noodles. Cup Cup noodle was invented by Nissin Food Products of Japan. 
Now you can eat in all the world. 
Cup Noodle of various tastes are sold in different countries. 
Sometimes even in Japan, it will be released cup noodle overseas taste. 
When the soccer World Cup was held in Brazil, those of Brazil taste have been released. 
What I ate recently is the seasoning of the Singapore-style. 
Japan taste and Singapore taste had been fused. I thought it was fresh. I felt the taste of coconut milk in the pungency. 
It was delicious.
It is good for you to eat Japanese cup noodles, which I ate many times, on traveling in Japan(^ ^).


Upload the video of my original song

I have uploaded the video for the reference of the original song "Sakura-the song of cherry blussoms in Japan- ".
Because I published the score and MIDI.
And it is because I wish other people can sing and play this"Sakura".
You can get thsi song in iTunes,Amazon music,Spotify and so on.
(You can search Mikan Tomo.)
Description of this video but Japanese, I also want to create videos that displayed the English someday.


"Ekiben" 3 :Lunches sold in stations of Japan

A few days ago, I talked about lunches in the blog. 
Ekiben which  I bought that day was the "Tokaido Shinkansen lunch" in the photo. 
Famous food had been entered in the Tokaido Shinkansen wayside.
Fukagawamesi in Tokyo,Misokatu in Tokai and so on.
It was delicious!

Prayers and wishes

France terrorist attacks. I was shocked to hear the sad news in France. 
I represent the condolences to the people of the victims. 

In the report, many Japanese have expressed condolences. 

France is a great country to understand pop-culture of Japan.
I pray sincerely recovery of the French peace.


"Ekiben" 2 :Lunches sold in stations of Japan

I wrote about earlier "Ekiben station lunch".
It's a fun train journey in Japan.
Actually I am today, moving for Kyoto from Tochigi Prefecture.
In shop of Tokyo Station, I bought "Ekiben lunches".
It's fun to eat (^ _ ^).

Photo's department of station lunch.


Autumn leaves of Nikko

I have been staying in Nikko, Tochigi Prefecture from Monday night. Here to Nikko has many tourist destination, and  it is one of the tourist destinations that represent our country. 
Nikko Toshogu, Kegon Falls, Lake Chuzenji, Kinugawa Onsen, etc., various tourist attractions exist in Nikko city. Highlights of the fall, is the colored leaves! 
The entire mountain is colored by colored leaves. Also I love the autumn leaves in the background of the shrines and temples.


Popularity of figure skating in Japan

Speaking of sports that decorate the winter, it is figure skating. 
Figure skating is very popular in Japan. 
The other day, Asada Mao players returned to the world of skating, and won the world championship. It has been widely reported in Japan. Male players are also popular with women. 
Especially Yuzuru Hanyu players that took the gold medal in the Olympics is very popular. 
My land's women also raise the heat (^_^)


Yosakoi dance

Do you know the dance Yosakoi. 
The dancers in this dance have to dance in a team with a small instrument called Naruko. 
It is popular with the younger generation of Japan. 
Dance music that is used is a variety from folk songs to hits. Especially Hokkaido folk song, Soran clause is often used. 
Today, I saw a Yosakoi in Kyoto Station. There was lively. 
When you come to Japan, I hope that you'll have the opportunity to see the dance (^_^)


Season of mandarin orange

Japan has celebrated the season of oranges. 
Citrus majority of Japan is Wenzhou oranges and their improved varieties.
It is cultivated in  Wakayama Prefecture and Ehime Prefecture and Shizuoka Prefecture. They're warm land.Mandarin orange prefer the sunny land. 
In Kyoto, oranges are not grown much.
However, the other day, I saw a tree of oranges has become a mandarin orange in the neighborhood. 
I like oranges. So, looking at the fruit of oranges, I will be happy(^_^)


Playing and singing on the street in Japan

The In urban areas of Japan you will be able to see and hear the playing and singing  on the street. 
Near a train station it is often. 
In recent years there have been more and more places to adopt a registration system. 
By the way, I have received a license that make me to able to sing and play at a particular location of Kyoto. 
The photograph is a musician singing in the near Osaka Station.
 I was able to listen to the beautiful singing voice.


Oden  (common people cuisine of Japan)

Today by bicycle I came home. The wind was quite cold. It is still autumn, but the night was cold. I will want to eat  Oden such a cold night.

Oden is the common people cooking of Japan. Vegetables, tofu products, fish, and meat are boiled in broth, and they will be Oden. Eating warm Oden on a cold night is a pleasure for me. In Japan, convenience store, when it comes to autumn, Oden will be sold.

In fact, I bought Oden tonight. It was delicious. Body was also warm.

If you come to Japan in autumn and winter, please try to eat Oden (^ - ^)


2016 Ise-Shima Summit In Japan

I saw a piece of poster in Osaka underground mall last week. 
It was news to hold the G8 next year. 
Meeting will be held in Shima of Japan Ise. 
Ise-Shima's my favorite region. I have visited many times. 
The sea and the islands is waving the beautiful scene!
In addition, the traditional culture of Japan remains well. 
Especially Ise Shrine is most important Shinto shrine worshiping the ancestor of the imperial family, and it is one of Japan's sacred space. 
In addition, it is possible to taste the delicious cuisine in the Ise Shima. Seafood such as lobster and oysters are particularly great. 
If you travel to Japan, Ise-Shima is also good!

Ise-Shima is 「伊勢志摩」in Kanji (Chinese character).


Cinema benefits in the movie

The film has increasingly be viewing by the Internet worldwide.
Cinema's required more efforts to call the customer.

Cinema and movies officials in Japan have a variety of ideas.
For example, if you look at the theater version animation in a movie theater, you can get movie theater benefits in many cases.

The other day, as I wrote in the blog I saw the "Arpeggio of Blue Steel" in a movie theater.
CAt that time, I've gotten a movie benefits. It is the colored paper of the photograph publication. Heroes are drawn.


The tears of gratitude to the theater version anime "arpeggio of blue steel"

October 22, I saw the "arpeggio of blue steel" in a movie theater. 

This work series was picked up in an earlier blog, "In Japan" Girls of the warship "2"

This time, looking at the theater version"arpeggio of blue steel -ARS NOVA-CANZA " , I had a moment of tears of gratitude. 

2-hour movie was the time of bliss. 

This movie many times continued to give me the question, "What human being is." 

This work is also said that combat cute heroines, but I think it is also a profound anime questioning the humanity. 

I hope that this work will be screened in different countries.

I want to share the profound of the work with you.(^-^)


KYOTO as the industrial city

Kyoto is a famous city in tourism, but in fact there is also a side of the industrial city.

According to the statistics of 2011, Kyoto City in the municipality that is about 1700, is the 14th in industrial production value. 
Industrial products of 2.3 trillion yen in one year in Kyoto city were produced. Kyoto has a wide range of shipping from traditional crafts to high-tech products. 

Especially in recent years, product shipments often is mobile phone parts, such as multi-layer capacitors. 
High-performance smart phones, without the parts which were made in Kyoto, seems not be produced. 
Kyocera, Shimadzu Corporation, Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Kyoto of companies such as Nidec, provide parts to the smartphone. 

The smartphone you're using might have a component that has been produced in Kyoto(^-^)


The season that rice is grows in Japan

When I was reading a book of tourism relationship, I came across an interesting report. 
In Takayama, Gifu Prefecture, rice fields of landscape is popular with foreign tourists. 
The report says, its landscape is particularly to impress the people who come from Europe and Australia. 
In the neighborhood of paddy, rice is ripe. 
Even in a normal sight for the Japanese, travelers find attractive.
I think it's a valuable perspective.
I want to take a look at the landscape of wheat ripen (^_^)


The Halloween in Japan

Halloween event has become popular in the mall and shopping center of Japan. 
Ten years ago, Halloween was not so much popular.
I think a factor that became the current situation is three. 
One is the effort of Japan's commercial capital. They thought the Halloween as an opportunity for sales. 
The second is the impact of globalization.
And, the third is that Halloween looks fun. 
The third factor is the most important. I think so. 
Halloween in Japan is becoming in the event for children to look forward to.
How do you think about ?


Popular sport in Japan

 Speaking a popular sport in Japan, baseball to first, then soccer. The third I think is basketball. 
So in Japan, many sports comics are involved in these three sports. 
By the way, Rugby World Cup has been held in the UK from September.
Japan was eliminated in the primary qualifying. 
However, since the Japan team has three wins, rugby of Japan has greatly flourished. 
Rugby World Cup in 2019 will be held in Japan. 
By that time, the popularity of rugby also might have risen from now.


TORIMESHI of Utsunomiya is my favorite "Ekiben ".

Last time one of fun to travel in Japan by rail, I wrote about "Ekiben(lunches)". 

The other day, in going home from Tochigi Prefecture, I bought a "TORIMESHI (chicken rice)" in Utsunomiya Station.
Whenever  I go to Tochigi Prefecture, I buy this lunch box.
This lunch is the best lunch that I recommend  (^_^).


"Ekiben" :Lunches sold in stations of Japan

October 5th, 6th I was staying in Tochigi Prefecture.
Today, I will return to Kyoto by rail.
When the travelers travel in Japan by rail, fun thing is to eat a "Ekiben". "Ekiben" refers to a lunch that are sold at the station in Japanese.
In a large station, various lunches have been sold.
I bought a local lunch when starting the Kyoto Station.
The lunch was full of Ohsaka's foods.Its name is "Naniwa Mansai "(full of Ohsaka's tastes).
In the car of the Shinkansen I enjoyed it.!
If you travel to Japan by rail, please enjoy all means "Ekiben" (^_^)

The photo is "Ekiben" that I ate.


I appeared in "Nuit Blanche Kyoto"

On October 3, I appeared in the music stage of the "Nuit Blanche Kyoto". 
City of Paris is the sister city of Kyoto. 
In Paris it will be held celebration of the culture of "Nuit Blanche" in early October. 
So Kyoto civil government has held the "Nuit Blanche Kyoto".
French Embassy and Paris also have to cooperate.
On stage, I sang the Vocaloid songs while playing the acoustic guitar.
The song is "magnet".
Reaction of the audience is also warm, and I was happy.
The various stages of the other people I can see, and spent a good moment.

Photograph is taken with "CROWD4 featuring KA's " our co-star. 
Their English songs was lovely!


Ring tone of "Sakura" is delivered in iTunes

Japan is a country full of cherry blossoms.
"SAKURA" is my original song that sings the cherry blossoms in Japan.
"SAKURA" means cherry blossoms in Japanese.

There are a lot of places that people can see cherry blossoms over the world. The season of cherry blossoms will come in the Southern Hemisphere.
I began to deliver the ring tone in iTunes.
This ring tone version will deliver the most important lyrics in the constraint of 30 seconds on your chest.

Japanese pronunciation of lyrics
Koen no SAKURA
Gakkou no SAKURA
Keidai no SAKURA
Okanoue no SAKURA
Kawanodote no SAKURA
Umigamieru SAKURA

Meaning of English
Cherry blossoms
Cherry blossoms in the park
Cherry blossoms in the garden of the school
Cherry blossoms in the precincts
Cherry blossoms
Cherry blossoms at the top of the hill
Cherry blossom on the banks of the river
Cherry blossoms in the place where you can see the sea

I hope this song is to be to the opportunity that you imagine the cherry tree.
You can get it in iTunes.
Please search for " mikan tomo". 
For more information You can know at the following address.


Torii of Heian Shrine in Kyoto city

Traditional and exciting objects in the building in Kyoto city is the torii of Heian Shrine.
It looks huge compared to normal Torii seen in Japanese shrine.
When Passing through the torii, in about five minutes you reach the Heian Shrine.
Standing enters of the Heian Shrine, you will enjoy a refreshing feeling.
Around the Heian Shrine is often tourist destination. 
If you go to Kyoto, it is good to pass through the large torii and visit the Heian Jingu Shrine (^_^)


Concert of the earthquake reconstruction assistance by the "ARASI"

September 19 to 23, general corporate and schools of Japan was a holiday.
During this period, (meaning the storm in Japanese) popular idol group "ARASI" held four concerts in Miyagi Prefecture.
The purpose of this concert is the reconstruction assistance of the Great East Japan Earthquake. Concert was cooperation with local governments and businesses and schools. Fan has gathered 20 million people total.
Concerts cheered also culturally and economically a disaster area.
It's a good event, I thought(^_^)


Love live!Neputa :Collaboration with traditional festivals and modern anime

In Kyoto Manga festival venue there was a very popular objects. It's "Love Live! Neputa" of the picture.
Neputa's the name of the festival of Aomori Prefecture, but it is also the name of the festival floats.
"Love Live!" is a popular anime.
It's a story of the heroine of girls aim the star. 
Collaboration with traditional festivals and modern anime is interesting!


Kyoto Manga Festival in 2015

On September 19, I enjoyed the Kyoto Manga Festival "Kyomafu". 
Exhibition booth, live stage, cafe, business trip booth cartoon editing unit. 
A bunch of comics fan venue had been collected. 
I was looking around, especially the exhibition booth. Companies and organizations involved in the manga and anime had been exhibited. Easy to take a photo objects were present in large numbers. 
It would be promotion corresponding to the photo-equipped mobile phone. 
I thought. "Manga and anime events give a great stimulus to the creators and fans of the region. That kind of event is economical to liven up the area as well." 
Foreign tourists had come to the venue. Future challenges might multilingual of explanation and assistance. 
Kyoto Manga Festival In any event was a great event (^_^)

The photograph is a anime "arpeggio of blue and steel."


Exports of Japanese caviar

In Japanese waters, fish and shellfish landings has decreased. Therefore, it has a force is put into aquaculture.
Various fish seafood has been farmed.
In recent years, also sturgeon, known for caviar has been farmed. Export of caviar will begin soon.

How do you think about caviar?
Because I have thought only from the coastal Caspian Sea, Japan production of caviar is a surprise even for me (* _ *) 


In Japan green tea has drunk well.

I read a report on the tea in a typical cuisine magazine "Orange page" in Japan.
What is the tea that the Japanese are drinking the most?

The answer is green tea. Second place is the barley tea, and third place red tea, fourth place China tea.

The fact that first place is a green tea is the expected.

In Japan, because green tea has been favored for long time.
Since the usual green tea has a taste that is freshing it will fit in a variety of cuisine.
In particular, not to mention the suit to Japanese and Japanese sweets are.

According to the report, it seems that how to drink green tea have changed.

It is often use a teapot and pot, but plastic bottles purchase is increasing.

The photograph is a green tea pet bottle. It is a popular commodity in Japan.

You can enjoy green tea in Japan easily (^^)/


Tohoku Zunko is the femail character of the Tohoku region

Four and a half years have passed from the Great East Japan Earthquake.
Activities that I was interested as an activity of reconstruction is "Tohoku Zunko".
It is a female character that embodies the Tohoku region.
Companies present in the Tohoku region can use the character freely.
License fee is not required.
Companies other than the Tohoku region requires a license fee.
In addition, if it is not commercial use, creator you can use freely this female character. I resonate to this policy. You also can use the "Tohoku Zunko" If it is not commercial use. On reading the usage rules, please use ^ _ ^ usage rules in the following website address.
